
One Potluck Down, Two to Go

‘Tis the season for potlucks! We had our first holiday potluck on Saturday night. A Winter Solstice Party. One of the party-goers was commenting on how much he loves potlucks: there is usually no planning, no communication, and yet there is always just the right assortment of everything. Someone always […]


Book Review: “Twenties Girl” by Sophie Kinsella

Confession: I love “chick lit.” It all started with “Bridget Jones’ Diary.” It really is what sparked my reading fiction again. I have always been a major book worm. This is actually a surprise because I had difficulty reading when I was in grade school. It was a very traumatic […]


Moo Moo Helps Me Bake

That’s my dog Moo Moo. And that’s flour on her face. She is always in the kitchen “helping” whenever I cook or bake. She faithfully hovers around my feet looking for some morsel to drop, which inevitably does, because I’m a klutz. Today it was flour. I had the mixer […]


What a Crazy Weekend!

That’s my husband snow-blowing our driveway so I could get to work this morning. Yesterday we had a blizzard, which is pretty typical for Minnesota this time of year. We got about 5″ of snow and blustery winds all day. I’m so glad I didn’t have to work on Saturday. […]


Not a Winner, But Still a Good Experience

Every year, the local paper holds a holiday cookie contest. I entered it a couple of years ago and made the finals, but didn’t place at all. It was a fun experience and they said that they really enjoyed my entry letter. I’ll post that along with the recipe after […]


We’re Covered for Cookies!

I signed up for a cookie exchange at work. Each person makes a dozen cookies for each person that signs up. Turns out 10 people signed up. That means I had to make 10 dozen cookies. Ack! Well, it turned out to be not that bad. I decided to make […]


Welcome to my blog!

I’ve been blogging for some time on allrecipes.com, mostly talking about recipes and food photography. To be honest though, I’m getting tired of the site (the constant competition, recipes not getting published, difficulty in searching for unpublished recipes, to name a few complaints) and I’m ready to move on. So […]