Before I started on my journey to relieve myself of my digestive issues, I knew that things got worse when I ate brown rice. I went on a gluten-free diet and did not feel better. Somehow I surmised that brown rice was a culprit. This led me to consider fructose malabsorption. I have since learned that brown rice is actually low-FODMAP. It turned out that it was eggs that I was sensitive to.
Since I can eat brown rice, I have been using an updated rice flour blend for my recipes. I try to not use gums anymore, especially xanthan gum. However, I do use chia seeds as an egg replacer. I’ve found that the chia seeds really help hold the baked good together and I don’t even miss using gums. Here is my new rice flour blend recipe. Tomorrow I will share a cookie recipe using this mix!

Rice Flour Blend
- 1 cup brown rice flour
- 1 cup white rice flour
- 2/3 cup potato starch (not flour)
- 1/3 cup tapioca flour
- Measure each ingredient by lightly spooning flour into the the measuring cup so it is overflowing. Level off the flour with the back of a knife. Use this same method when measuring this blend for recipes.
- Blend ingredients really well and store in an airtight container in the pantry.
- Recipe may be multiplied to make a larger batch.
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I really like this blend for chocolate chunk cookies. Thank you!!!!
Mmmmm, chocolate chunk cookies! Glad the flour blend works for you.
I just received your cookbook last Sunday for Mother's Day and have already read through it. I'm so excited to try out all the new recipes. I have been on a Low-FODMAP diet for 2 years and 9 months ago found out I'm also fructose intolerant. However, many of your recipes will still be able to work for me and some may need a few adjustments. After reading your book, I have a few questions:
-For your Basic Flour Blend, can Oat flour be substituted for the Brown Rice Flour? They are both base flours, but brown rice flour seems to spoil faster in baked foods.
-When using your Basic Flour Blend, do I need to scoop out the amount for the recipe (gently with a spoon!) and let it come to room temperature before mixing it with the wet ingredients?
-Your batter breads call for a 4X8 inch loaf pan. If I use a glass 4X8 pan, do I need to adjust the temperature in your recipes?
Any suggestions you have, would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, I'm so glad you are liking my cookbook so far and that most of the recipes will work for you! To answer your questions: I'm not sure if oat flour would work as well as brown rice flour, as I have not tested it. But it might be worth trying. Just keep in mind that oats are higher in FODMAPs than rice. I do recommend letting the flour come to room temperature before baking with. I have not tested my recipes using a glass pan, but I'm sure it would work fine. Just keep an eye on the bread and use your own judgement to see how long to bake. Hope this helps!
Thanks for writing,