Sorry it’s been a while since my last blog (wow, a whole week!). I went away for the weekend, then was busy working and cleaning the house. Now I’m ready to focus on important things, like blogging. Not that visiting my niece this weekend wasn’t important! I love seeing my niece, Sophie. She is 17 months old and very cute, sweet and smart. She is a very happy baby and I love watching her grow. Every time I see her, she has a whole new bunch of words to tell me. Once again in my life, I am known as “Di Di,” only this time I don’t mind. Hearing her sweet little voice say “Da-Daiiii” just melts my heart.
Whenever I go down to visit my sister, brother-in-law and niece, I have to bring treats. This time I brought some of their favorite cookies, Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies, or “Kissy Cookies,” as we call them. I first started making these cookies in college. Back in the 1990’s I got a cookbook on clearance called “Forrest Gump: My Favorite Chocolate Recipes.” In fact, I think it was the first cookbook I ever bought myself. In it I found a recipe for Kissy Cookies, only four ingredients, perfect for a college student! They were so simple to make, I even used the recipe for my speech class. We had to do a “How To” speech for the class, where we would demonstrate something while speaking about it. I showed the class how to make Kissy Cookies and then passed them around for everyone to eat. I believe I got an “A “in that class.

The reviews on these cookies are mixed, but most people like them. We love them. They are a bit sugary, but I like that, the same way I like to bite into the sugar on a gumdrop. There’s a recipe on the back of the Hershey’s Kiss bag that is different (and some people say is a lot better) and I would like to try it sometime. I had a bunch of kisses left over, but I decided to try something completely different and found this recipe for
Raspberry Almond Kiss Cookies on allrecipes. My husband loves raspberry and almond, so I figured this would be a safe bet. They are very good, although I was a bit disappointed in the cookie part being a little to dry and hard. They do have a great flavor combination and they look perfect for the upcoming Valentine’s Day!
I also made some banana cupcakes to take with me on my visit, using Banana Cake II and Quick and Almost Professional Buttercream Icing. Sophie wasn’t able to to eat a cookie yet, but she LOVED the cupcakes. What can I say, she takes after her aunt!
Your cookies look amazing, I saw then on AllRecipes. I can't believe your niece is 17 months old already! I remember those cute ladybug cookies you made for the baby shower, you did such a great job! Stay warm!
I'll have to loom for that Forrest Gump Cookbook. My husband is a HUGE fan of the movie (like does Forrest Gump impressions constantly that everyone who doesn't have to live with him on a daily basis begs him to do), and he would get a kick out of it. The cookies look yummy too!!