I’ve been meaning to try Philadelphia’s New Cooking Creams. Today I finally decided to give it a whirl. I looked up some recipes, but nothing sounded like what I was looking for. I had shrimp, mushrooms and spinach in my mind. So I decided to make up my own recipe. […]
Upside Down Pineapples
The most important thing to remember when making a pineapple upside down cake is to not make it in a leaky spring-form pan. What. A. Mess. It all started when I decided to try a new recipe from the Joy of Baking website. The recipe said to use a 9″ […]
Being an Introvert
I’m going to kick off the new design of my blog by talking about something completely different than food or photography. My whole life I have been called “shy” or “quiet.” But when it comes down to it, I’m an introvert. And I’m OK with that. There are introverts and […]
Welcome to My New Design!
I was feeling creative and in need of a change, so here is the result! I still need to improve the blog title, but I like it so far. You can expect me to make changes like this every so often. I get tired of the same ol’, same ol’. […]
Taking a Break
I knew when I made a recipe a couple of weeks ago from allrecipes and had absolutely no desire to take a photo or write a review that I was ready for a break from the “photo foodie” world. I’m not sure if I’m burnt out or tired, but most […]
A Substitute for Pine Nuts? Plus New Kitchen Gadgets
In a previous post I lamented about the shortage of pine nuts. Well, I decided to try something as a substitute. Sunflower Nuts. I used to eat these all the time as a snack when I was in high school, but I got sick of them after a while and […]
Spring Cleaning
I’m like a squirrel, stockpiling nuts and berries for the winter. Only I hoard things like chicken breasts and chocolate chips. I have a tendency to buy things in mass when they go on sale. Especially things that can normally be spendy. I like to scope out all the grocery […]
Happy St. Paddy’s Day
I’ve been cooking a lot lately, but haven’t felt much like writing. I just thought I would check in and let you know I’m still here and I am planning on more food posts in the near future. For now, here’s a photo of some shamrock cookies I made. It […]
Sarah McLachlan and Friends Concert
I feel really blessed to live so close to Minneapolis and its wonderful music scene. My sister and I have been going to concerts for the past five or six years now. It’s become a tradition with us. We drive to the Mall of America and then take the Light […]
Strawberry Cake Balls
So there’s this recipe on allrecipes.com that has been nagging me ever since I became a member. It’s been saying, “Dianne, come on, make me, I know you want to……” It looks really tedious and time consuming, but it also looks really fun and delicious. It’s Cake Balls. The main […]
I Love Pancakes!
Yesterday, March 1, was “National Pancake Day.” (Who declares these things anyways?) Pancakes are one of my all-time favorite foods. Not only do I love the taste, but they hold special memories for me. Growing up, every Saturday morning my dad made pancakes. After making them week after week, he […]