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  Serenity While I was on vacation last week, I didn’t have access to email or the Internet. I could have checked it when we went into town, but I chose not to. I have to say that I didn’t really miss it. The Internet is very addicting and I […]


Gardener I Am Not…..


  Gardener I am not, but lover of things gardened I am. I have never had a green thumb. My mom always had a garden before she was confined to a wheelchair. She had a flower bed in the front yard and a vegetable garden in the back yard. I […]


I Made Ice Cream!


 I’ve been getting a little behind on my blogging lately. Sometimes I reach a point where I have just had enough of the internet and being connected all the time. I have to take a break. I get tired of being up to date on all the top news on […]


Up to my Eyeballs in Rhubarb


  So, I was doing pretty well with my “no-sugar” thing. I went a whole month without baking any sweets. Then we went to visit my in-laws and somehow came home with a huge bag of rhubarb. I don’t know why, but these things just tend to happen when visiting […]