Recent Posts


Same Blog, New Title


 Six months ago when I started my blog, I had no idea what to call it. I decided on “Photo Foodie Girl” because I love photography, I love food and I’m a girl. But it never quite felt just right. Even though I enjoy it, I’m still a little insecure about […]


Scenes from My Kitchen


 Meet my kitchen. It doesn’t have granite counter tops or stainless steel appliances and it’s a little small, but that’s OK. We get along pretty well. I still manage to make some pretty fabulous food. Tonight I was cooking Crispy Oven Fried Tilapia and Zucchini Pasta. I’ve got the fish […]


Giving Up Sugar


 I have a confession. A month ago I gave up sugar. Not completely, that’s almost impossible, but I’ve limited myself to 25 grams of sugar a day. That still may sound impossible for most people, and it was difficult at first, but I’ve gotten used to it. So what spurred […]


Trouble with My Appliances


 1. My Evil Microwave I really don’t like my microwave. In fact, I think it may be evil. Or at least demented. The thing beeps at me relentlessly. If I don’t take my tea mug out right away it beeps at me (“BEEP-BEEP”). If I don’t turn off the timer […]


Spring is Here (Finally)!


  It’s been a rough winter and spring here (but really, when is it not in Minnesota?) It seems like it’s taken forever for spring to get here. We had a few nice days a couple of weeks ago, but then it got all cloudy and cold again. Well, today […]


My Spring 2011 Playlist


 I hate cleaning, but it must be done. To make it more enjoyable, I plug my iPod into our stereo system and blast my favorite music. I love music and it’s an important part of my life. It is intimately entwined with my memories. When I hear a certain song, […]


A Day at Mayo


 A little background on my health first. I was diagnosed with chondrosarcoma about 11 1/2 years ago, just a few months after my husband and I were married. I had been having pain in my knee, which prompted an x-ray to see what was going on. The radiologist saw that […]