Tag: product review

Decoded Pasta Sauce Low-FODMAP

Low-FODMAP Product Review: Decoded

In this low-FODMAP Product Review: Decoded, I test a new line of low-FODMAP, onion-free, and garlic-free products that are also appropriate for Paleo and AIP diets: Decoded Pizza & Pasta Sauce, [not] Ketchup, and [not] Mustard. Thanks for joining me for my low-FODMAP product review: Decoded! I was given the […]

The Best Kitchen Gadgets

My Favorite Stuff: Kitchen Gadgets

I aspire to be a minimalist, but so far that hasn’t played out in my kitchen yet. I have a lot of utensils and gadgets that I don’t use, but I keep them because of the idea that I might need them some day. Can’t you all relate? Well, if […]


Product Review: Be Nice Bars

Update: These bars are no longer available. Please see my review for FODY Granola Bars. I’m so excited that there is finally a product line designed specifically for the low-FODMAP diet! I was able to sample these new bars from Nicer Foods. I have to tell you they are DELICIOUS! […]