Sun breaking through the clouds, reflecting off lake

Taking a Break

Sun breaking through the clouds over lake

If anyone follows my blog, it’s probably clear that I have been taking a break the past few years. I’ve been dealing with some serious health issues and only recently have come up with the ambition to log back on. Writing this blog has been the most enjoyable project I’ve done and I hope to return to it some day. Hopefully soon. I’ve still been working on creating recipes and have many more to share, but actually posting them to this blog has been the challenge. The world, especially the internet, has become such a hostile place since the pandemic. People are so angry and demanding, it’s difficult putting yourself out there. So I’ve been enjoying my privacy while I heal and recover from my health issues.

I’ve been doing a lot of baking which I find to be a soothing, creative practice. My IBS had healed enough that I’m eating wheat again and enjoying how easy it is to bake with gluten. I’ve been toying with the idea of expanding the recipes I share on here to include regular, non-low-FODMAP recipes. But then again I’m having trouble, wondering if it even matters. There are so many recipes out there, do mine even really matter?

This is a photo I took back in the late summer of 2023, when I was finally starting to feel better and more like myself. The sun breaking through the clouds, reflecting off the lake. It felt like a metaphor for how I was feeling at the time. I still have light to impart on the world, I just need time to emerge from what broke me.


  1. Oh my gosh I was just thinking about you yesterday! I’m sorry for what you’ve been dealing with but I’m glad that you’re finding some outlets to nourish your soul. I absolutely understand what you’re saying about people on the internet – common decency just seems to be gone a lot of the time. Please know that I’ve always appreciated your recipes because they aren’t crazy complicated and are still delicious. Best wishes to you, whatever you decide to do.

  2. I would love to see the recipes you have created. As a person who is still finding out about IBS, I can’t thank you enough for your very straightforward, uncomplicated recipes. I can even serve them to my kids and they love them!

  3. Please, if you feel well enough, continue posting your recipes! I’ve benefited from making many of them. My ibs is calming lately too and am eating more wheat also. I’m still careful with some FODMAPs in my home cooking and really appreciate flexible recipes. Take care and know that your efforts have impact!

  4. Thank you for the update. I hope you feel much better soon. Your recipes from your blog and your cookbook having been life-saving for me, and I use them several times a week. You helped me at a time when I was really struggling- thank you so very much.

  5. I hope you feel well soon! Your cookbook is my absolute favorite! And your online recipes are my next go to when I need to try something new.
    Thank you for all you have shared with the world! I absolutely understand what you’re saying about the online world. It’s unfortunate that people can’t focus on the good and appreciate those who work hard to share what they know. We do appreciate you! Be well!


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